Teacher Trainings & Writer Workshops
Adventures in Fantasy Writers' Workshop offers an exciting approach to teaching narrative and descriptive writing that stimulates a student's creativity and imagination, while also addressing language arts content standards. Filled with mini-lessons and hands-on writing activities, this workshop shows teachers step-by-step how to introduce students to the "magic" of creating a complete story in the fantasy/adventure genre.
Adventures in Fantasy Writers' Workshop offers teachers a creative method for teaching conventions such as theme, plotting, showing vs. telling, characterization and sensory details. The approach has proven to work well with both advanced and struggling students and is easily integrated with other writing curricula.
Here's what teachers are saying about John's workshop
I have been teaching for 20 years and can't remember getting this excited about a project. My students have fallen in love with writing.
— Visala Hohlbein, fifth-grade teacher
Wow! What a wonderful imaginative way to teach the writing process. I loved learning about fantasy. Thank you so much for sharing your passion for fantasy with us.
— Norma Mota-Altman, Associate Director, UCLA Writing Project
Well-presented, detailed and enthusiastic sojourn into a methodology for guiding students through a rewarding learning experience/adventure. Loved your joy in what you are discovering through this process, and the depth with which you have applied your knowledge and experience to 'the journey'.
— Kat Kambes-Wright, MFA student, Antioch University
I really love the way you create such a panoramic mission for students to map out and research a fantasy rich with essential writing, thinking, reading, and speaking skills. The performance possibilities are endless, the opportunities to cultivate student voice and choice are bountiful, and the end product-the novel-provides a glorious evidence of student learning. The pride and sense of achievement must be overwhelming!
— Susan Strauss, Literacy Coach & Facilitator, UCLA Writing Project
Thank you so much for this amazing presentation. I really enjoyed how detailed and thoughtful you were. What an awesome 'writer's journey' you have taken us through. Thank you again for being an inspiration.
— Chon Lee, Middle School teacher
To find out more about John's teacher trainings and writer workshops you can email him at gustofwind123@gmail.com.